Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

It is done.

Barack Obama was my candidate and I am glad he won, glad he weathered the inauguration in good stead but even moreso I am glad this whole election is now officially behind us.

I'm an Aquarian; we live in the future, not the past. I can hardly wait to see what unfolds from this point forward!

A failing economy, being hated around the world, the misbegotten war in Iraq, global warming, the unworkable policy of No Child Left Behind, threats of terrorism and assassination - these are problems you can really sink your teeth into! There's nowhere to go but UP.

Or out!? (Think 2012.)

That is the question, isn't it? Can these problems be turned around, can America spur the action necessary to make these wrongs right?

I honestly don't know. But I DO know that I feel a lot more hopeful today than I did on January 19th.

My prayers are with Barack Obama, his cabinet, Congress, the Supreme Court... all those who would be brave enough to believe there are answers and diligent enough to find them.

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