Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Toast

This is for my sister Karen. She always wanted me to be a writer and now - here - I guess I sort of will be!?

She had the audacity (or was it foresight!) to die at 45. The rest of us are still here slogging through the mire of what used to be our brains while she is forever young. Where's the justice???

Women have traditionally died young in my family. My sister Toot and I, however, have broken the mold; she just turned 72 this week and I will be 64 next month. We both agree that, had we known we would live to be old we would have done things very differently!

Toot would have stopped smoking long BEFORE she was diagnosed with emphysema. She'd be having a lot more fun if she didn't have to tote around her own oxygen supply. Activity is severely restricted when you're tethered to a machine.... She used to be a lot of fun when she could breathe and walk and laugh out loud! Would that we could have those days again.

I would have put away money. Who knew??? Imagine what I could do if I had PLANNED for retirement?? Others did. People all around me were squirreling funds away for a rainy day but not me. I assumed I would fall prey to the family pattern and you know what happens when you ASS-u-me!?

Yes, that's right, you live from hand to mouth.

Anyway, here's to Karen, God bless her pointed head.


  1. found it. Very excellent post. ;) I was just thinking about how much she wanted you to be a writer and here I am writing all the time. Life's funny isn't it?

  2. Good stuff, Mom. Keep it coming! xo

  3. The best start to a blog, ever! Do you have a photo of Karen that you could post? I know I've seen one, but it was back at the Bishop St. home.

  4. A nice tribute to Karen ... and you need to be recognized for all your work with children and families ... we are very proud of you, too!!!!!
