Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Gay Divorcee

This could be a little tricky, saying everything exactly right, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway because it's such a significant happening.

My daughter Amy is officially divorced! It happened very recently after eight long months of agonized wishing and waiting for it to be done. The process of divorce is not any fun, that's the simple truth, but Amy handled the challenges with great aplomb and I am proud of her for weathering the many storms that washed over her again and again.

Her story was not a new one; she married someone who looked great on paper but was not, in reality, the perfect fit she'd anticipated. He's a good man but is not and never was the right man for her.

She devoted 14 long years to trying every day in every way to Make It Right and then - when 40 came - she said, "Enough!" and set about making a new life for herself
and for their three children.

She and her ex - Bill - decided to live, as separated adults, in the same house with the children while the divorce was underway. There was some tension between them, yes, but they protected the children from their differences in so far as that was humanly possible. It was difficult in the doing but, in retrospect, I see it as having worked out well for the children and that is the bottom line.

They both agreed to joint custody and worked out a new-to-me arrangement of keeping the children in the house as they always have been with both Amy and Bill doing the coming and going having either 3 or 4 days each week with the kids.

So far so good!!

The kids have handled all this far better than I could ever have forseen. It pays to have two parents who each love them tremendously and want the best for them.

I hope and pray Amy has all the love she deserves in her life from now until forever.
If confidence counts, she will. Love IS the meaning of life (I read it in The Big Book Of Judy!)and finding a soulmate makes all of life not just bearable in its trials but brings joy to every moment.

That is my wish for her, for you, and for everyone everywhere.


1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't get too many weird google hits to this because of your title. I kept wondering where the *gay* part was going to come into the story! lol
