Monday, September 28, 2009

One and One Make... ONE?

I've mentioned my older sister, haven't I? She's still trying to save me from myself even after all these years! We are the twain that might never have met were we not sisters.

Today she suggested that, if the two of us were combined, we could make one perfect person.

Frankly, I was pretty happy with myself 'as is' so I wondered - and asked - what about me she would switch and how an aspect of her personality (and vice-versa) would improve the whole. I'm dying to hear her answer but, till then, I'll simply speculate....

She's a Republican and I'm a Democrat bordering on Socialist. There, I absolutely do not see her way as an improvement. She wants all people to take care of themselves, sink or swim, and I want all people to have a fair chance at being able to stay afloat.

She's frugal and I am... not. lol Perhaps I could stand to profit, literally, if I had her Saving Gene. I could be with her on that, just for my own sake.

My sister-in-law once said that if I had a nickel and someone I loved needed a dime I would find a way to give them a dollar. She's spot on with that!! But is that in need of change? I don't think so. Amelioration, maybe, but that's as far as I could go!

I'm trusting and she is sceptical. About EVERYTHING. I would have long since had to off myself if I couldn't keep the sunshine in my outlook. Can't give that up or even dilute it; it's who I am!

I am spontaneous with affection and she is more measured. I'm aware that public displays of affection are offensive to some but I'm thinking that's THEIR problem and not mine. I believe the benefit of a hug or a kiss almost always outweighs What Others Might Think of its propriety.

Guilt. Oy!!! A useless emotion but one she's well-vested in and I've never been able to figure out why. Is that part of being a Capricorn, I wonder, because she has never done one evil or cruel thing to anyone in all the years I've known her. So, where does guilt enter the equation? I won't say I've never felt guilty because I have but since I chose my actions and let them lie I have to let them go. If I ever have the chance there are a few people I would apologize to for things done but I sure wouldn't want to adopt any guilt so, no, that's not something she could give me I would take.

She let her children fly from the nest more cleanly than I did and I can appreciate that but it's not my way nor is it my girls'.

She does have better common sense than I do and yet my wackiness has lead to lots (and lots and lots) of OH! So interesting!!! situations in my life; I wouldn't trade them for the safe and sane.

In terms of sisterhood, intelligence, humor, writing abilty, weight, and health (in eight years I could be where her health is now)we're about even so I don't see anything to exchange in those areas....

There you have it. It's just one girl's opinion of who we are. I can't WAIT to see how she sees us as being the better for sharing traits.

This could be interesting!

All Toot wanted to change was for me to 1.) more often say, "No!" to things I wasn't hot to do anyway and 2.) be less wasteful especially in buying food that I know has a good chance of never being eaten. There was a slight nod given to my need for more frugality but it wasn't officially proffered so I'm innoring that.

As always, my imagination ran away with me!!! lol

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