Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm totally fascinated by this "Feedjit" live traffic feed on the blog.

It's so cool to see people come in and out in real time!

Some of the places listed I recognize as towns of relatives and friends but there are a whole bunch of others signing on from places I have never been and where I know not a soul!?

How did these people find The Widow Judy and what are they thinking as they read about me and mine?

I would love to know the answers to those questions.

So... if you've never met me but are reading this would you please leave a note in the comments when you're ready to clue me in as to who you are, how you came to find the blog and what keeps you coming back?

You can remain anonymous if you like but if you are comfortable telling me about yourself that would be fine too.

I really appreciate that there are people out there who want to read the blog, both the ones I know and the ones I don't. Please keep on coming back and - next time - bring your friends!

1 comment:

  1. I have seen on my feedjit people leave my blog and go to yours and come back to mine. That is how people find each other. BUT I have had some people reading my blog for 6 months and have never left a comment. I try to coax them out and they won't budge. A lot of people skulk around until they feel comfortable with you. I am getting more comments but there are still those who won't show themselves. you must have patience widow Judy :)
