Thursday, March 5, 2009

What, Me, Manic?

You are going to truly shake your heads at this statement but... I am SO HAPPY having reclaimed all the household jobs that Tom took over when he retired!

Frankly, I'm surprised to be saying it.

The house looks totally fabulous and that makes me feel very very good. You could open any cupboard or closet door, any drawer and know precisely what was to be found within.


There's something so comforting about a tidy space. I'm not talking OCD or anything even close to that; in fact, the angel food cupcakes I made this morning and frosted are still sitting out on a kitchen counter willy-nilly and that counter has not been washed down since the job was finished either!?

(I probably should get to that though when I'm done here....)

Well, maybe I'm a little obsessive but in a totally good way. (lol) It's part of the grieving process, I believe, to make things your own, right? That I have done.

Our hugh walk-in closet in the master suite is mine-all-mine and brother does it look good! Every matching hanger goes in the same direction, my shoes are arranged by season and color, my blouses are hung together by fabric type, my skirts are separated from my pants and the pants are further arranged by length starting with shorts and going through Capri pants to ankle length.

It's maahvelous!!

Oops - I said "our". I should have said "my" because there is no 'our' any more it's just me madly going through the house trying to make everything perfect.

OK. That DOES sound obsessive now that I read it in black and white.

But I really do like having the little things back again in my life: dusting, vacuuming, Windexing, clearing out the dishwasher, doing the laundry, scrubbing the bathroom. Once Tom retired he did these things in lieu of me because I was still teaching. The last couple of years I taught, after the doctrine of No Child Left Behind was instituted and made success nearly impossible for at-risk schools, I appreciated being able to just walk in the door at night and gather strength again for the next day.

When we moved to Florida he still predominated in doing the housework but I pitched in whenever I saw something that needed doing. Still... I always felt like I was usurping his domain.

Well, that's no longer true, is it?? Now it's all mine. All the work, all the shopping, all the cooking, all the accounts - ALL MINE.

What hath God wrought?

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand this at all LOL!! Considering that 20 min after I heard the news of losing the best uncle in the land I was sitting on my bedroom floor crying hysterically WHILE FOLDING LAUNDRY. Laundry that had been sitting there for 2 days and suddenly nothing was as important as getting those socks sorted through my tears. I couldn't even see what I was doing?!? Tidy on.
