Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quandry Time

I've discovered the quandry in blogging: How Much Can You Safely Say About The People In Your Life Without Risking Their Feelings??

My family is probably a lot like your own, imperfect, but one you'd never swap for anyone else's. Am I right or am I right?

Until now we've pretty much sailed through life with minimal problems, actually, so that might distinguish us somewhat from the fray, I suppose.

Currently, we're looking at our first divorce situation with my eldest daughter... I'm not finding that to be much fun but it's out of my hands and I trust my daughter's usual common sense and my grandchildren's ability to perceive correctly what is and isn't true in life so I think they'll all come through it with minimal initial damage and, in time, may all, in fact, be the better for it.

My niece, who's like a daughter to me, has one autistic son and another who isn't; this is challenging every day in ever way. I think I can share her name with you without fear of recrimination because she also writes a blog which, believe me, any of you facing or knowing others who face the challenge of having special needs children WILL want to see: She's a terrific writer as well as completely crazed like her aunt who loves her.

(What's really going to irk me to no end is that, now, all of you reading MY blog will go on to embrace HERS and then she'll have more 'followers' than I do! That will be truly infuriating.... I'm only at 8 and have an eventual goal of 100!?? Is that too much to ask?????)

Two of my other near-relatives are currently facing the loss of loved ones and those stories would rip your heart out but do I have the right or the privilege of telling you their tales? I'm just not sure I do.

What is the protocol?? I'd appreciate some input from those of you who are actively involved in my life as to whether or not you're willing to see your name in print here. And I'd also like to know from those of you I've never met but seem to enjoy reading what is said here - how much of me and mine is ENOUGH ALREADY!??

Hope to hear from you on this ASAP. I promise... I'll pay just as much attention to your preferences as I ever have. LOL.


  1. Usually when I'm going to write a blog that I know will include someone besides my husband and children (who apparently have NO SAY in if they are mentioned or not!) I ask them. My most recent blog I asked my friend if I could put her families name out there. If I don't ask I usually change the name to protect them from being all over the internet. Mine is already out there, so talk about me as you see fit :) I am an open book. Apparently. I keep saying things to people and they are all"oh yea I read that about you" It's weird!

  2. As a general rule, you can leave me out.
