Sunday, March 1, 2009


A long time ago, nineteen or twenty years in fact, my sister-in-law Sharon brought me to a house party where a psychic was doing readings. At that time Sharon was deep in study herself regarding astrology, Tarot, things of that nature....

At first I was uncomfortable with the concept; then I was - lol - HORRIFIED when I would pick up any of her astrology books, turn to the section on Aquarius, and totally see myself on every page in every word. I wanted it to be off the wall
w-r-o-n-g so I could talk her down from the ledge but how could I when the whole Aquarius 'thing' was, by definition, ME?

So I opened my mind just a little.

I can't remember the psychic's name but we all were called in one at a time and got a personal consultation.

I was sceptical but considered it diverting; we'd all agreed to talk about the things she said/we said and compare notes later.

She even put the whole reading on cassette tape so we would have it verbatim.

The first thing she asked me almost as soon as I walked into the room and we'd said hello was, "Who's Jim?"

I was a little startled because I have a father Jim, a brother Jim, two nephews named Jim... and she pulled THAT NAME out of a hat!? I said there were lots and lots of Jims in my family and she looked at me a little pissily and said, flatly, "OK. Which one's DEAD?"

"That would be my father," I replied and she then proceeded to describe my dad physically to a 'T'. Like Melinda Gordon, she passed information from him to me; it was strange but I did feel comforted at the same time.

We probably spent 20 minutes together and the reason I bring this up NOW is that she told me, in the course of the interview, that I would not be living my whole life with my current husband. I would find someone new, someone who would take care of me very very well (I liked the sound of that even THEN!) and his name was Stan.

STAN?! I have been acquainted only once in my 64 years with anyone named Stan and ours was the most passing of relationships, I assure you.

Well... where the heck is my Stan NOW???

I told my daughters this story right after we left the Florida mortuary the day after Tom died - we were all a little punchy then anyway. They immediately got into it and suggested a number of different ways I might test out this "Theory of Stan". We got hysterical laughing about all the places I could go, things I could do to begin the search for My Man Stan!

I have to say this psychic was right about a lot of things that night. To a person we all agreed much of what she'd said about our lives-to-date was uncannily true.

Could there be a Stan waiting for me just around the corner??

Lord, I hope so. "Let's have at him!," I say!

1 comment:

  1. Stan the man. . . The poor guy the day you actually meet him and he says, "hi Judy, my name is Stan". lol, the poor guy won't know what hit him!
