Thursday, March 26, 2009

How The Mighty Have Fallen

Scrabble is my game.

That makes sense because I love words and writing and correct spelling... all that makes me happy-in-my-face.

Suddenly, however, my upstart daughters and nieces are challenging me!? IN MY WIDOWHOOD!? What is wrong with this picture?

They apparently didn't get the memo saying you're supposed to be kind to those who have faced traumatic loss; not ONE of them will give me any quarter whatsoever.

I know the why of it - I wouldn't give THEM a break either - but that is so not the point! Am I not suffering? Am I not pathetic? Do I not deserve a break??

Yet they persist in improving. It's not right.

I'm flummoxed by this turn of events. I created these monsters and now they're turning on me. We all share this deep pool of competitive spirit and -damn 'em-they're drinking from my well and sucking it dry!

My father lived and taught the words of Vince Lombardi - that winning wasn't the best thing it was the ONLY thing - before Vince ever made them famous. I bought that philosophy hook, line and sinker; until now, however, I've never seen this obsessive "need to win" in the next generation. I thought I had effectively ameliorated that less-than-sterling aspect of being a Davidge amongst my darling girls but - clearly - genes will out.

Why now? Why Scrabble?

Why couldn't they have used their powers for good and climbed a corporate ladder or built a better mousetrap instead of usurping my hard-won crown?

Ingrates, that's what they are. I taught them everything they know and now they're using it against me.

That's just mean.

Sure, I'm down now but they better watch their backs. The Widow Judy is fighting hard and will reclaim that #1 ranking on Facebook! Watch and learn, girls; watch and learn. There's life in this old dog yet.


  1. I'm sorry, I am laughing OUT LOUD right now! You and my mother did create (at least in me) a competetive monster and I'll be the first to admit that I am. While swimming with/against Daniel, I mostly let him win but then I'll over take him and beat him. He looked at me and said "I WANT TO WIN" and I said, then you better swim FASTER! When I told Todd I was whipping The Widow Judy's butt in Scrabble and she wants mercy, he said "she wouldn't give it to you, that's why you" but he meant it in a good way. you answered your own question!
