Saturday, February 21, 2009


When I wrote the last post I used the word "huge". I really paused over that spelling because for years now my sister Toot and I have had a once-private joke that has since spread to our whole family; I will share it with you now.

From this point forward in all my blog entries the would "huge" will be purposely misspelled "HUGH" just because it makes me laugh!

At least ten years ago I was driving in my neighborhood of Detroit, yes, Detroit. We lived in a lovely area called East English Village in a big tudor brick home built by exactly the same man and company who built the ones across Mack Avenue in Grosse Pointe Park many years ago. We loved our house, our neighbors, the city and we spit on those who denegrate Detroit with a broad stroke of an evil pen!

But I digress....

I was turning the corner at Cadieux and Chandler Park Drive and saw a homemade sign:
"HUGH SALE!!!" it said in bold print. I burst out laughing. I couldn't help but wonder how many Hughs could be rounded up in EEV to be sold on any given weekend!?

What can I say? It cracked me up.

Still does!! Yes, I'm easy - many have said it before and now that I'm back on the market myself, so to speak, many will probably say it again!???

But consider this a blanket warning. For me, the word 'huge' no longer exists; it'll
be 'hugh' and when you see it you'll know I'M laughing anyway!??


  1. ok I knew it was a joke, but didn't know where it came from exactly. I wonder how many Hugh's they sold that day???

  2. Funny story Judy! It's sure to get hugh laughs! In my family, we say "annoring" instead of "annoying" compliments of my speech-impaired toddler nephew. Now it rolls off the tongue for all of us and I assume those within earshot raise an eyebrow! :)
