Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Territory

Wednesday marks another milestone (I considered spelling that 'millstone'!) in the life of TWJ; for the first time ever I will be the chauffeur returning our company to Tampa International Airport.

It's a little more than an hour north of our home in Sarasota and, until now, either Suzy or Tom assumed the driving duties for pick up and delivery of guests.

There's something intimidating, for me anyway, about a major airport. I felt the same way about Detroit Metro and avoided driving duty to and from IT for a whole lot more than three and a half years!?

Part of it is being Directionally Challenged and the airport being, y'know, ALL ABOUT DIRECTIONS?? Part of it is negotiating the sheer size of it. Then there's the time pressure to be sure those coming or going are met or dropped in a timely fashion.

Wednesday's a drop-off as Bill heads back to Providence on his way to Blackstone, MA so that'll be a good way for me to get in the groove negotiating TPA.

Still, as many times as I've been in the passenger seat, it's entirely different being In Charge; I admit I'm nervous about it.

I'm dating myself I'm sure in saying there are many jobs in life that somebody ELSE ought to do and airport runs are one of those in The Big Book Of Judy!

But somebody else isn't here, is he, and so there must be stepping up.

There's no question it can be done and I can do it; I just don't wanna! I want things the way they were a month and a day ago.

Unfortunately, we don't always get what we want we get what is. And Wednesday is the day for me to swallow hard, suck it up and be a big girl.

So be it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for you! Hope you had sunshine on you the whole way!
