Thursday, April 23, 2009

The FO and I

The First and Only nephew I got to personally help raise is here visiting me in Sarasota. He's a blustery guy, generally quiet but given to devastating one-liners guaranteed to either make you wither or laugh out loud!!

I was a little concerned that my having to take off without him to get allergy shots or play bridge or have blood drawn might make him feel a little put-out but, nope, he's the sort that appreciates a little 'alone time' like his Aunt who loves him!!

Today I got him to go to the BEACH. This is not an opportunity he welcomed, you understand. I floated a couple of trial balloons about it earlier this week and got nowhere so I finally just announced, "Thursday is beach day," and got no argument so we went.

I had my fabulous "bring your own shade" chair and he had my Michigan State green number with a spot to put his cup-o-beer so we were both content in that.

None of my better angels made space for me to park in my regular area so we wound up a little farther down the beach than I generally go. I'm happy to report, however, that the beach is perfection there just as it is on a straight line down to the water from the steps of the concession stand!!

Spring break is done, apparently, because everyone beaching today looked like they belonged there so we saw a whole lot of senior citizens in various shapes and sizes.

Again, Stan did not materialize....

Bill brought a teeny little cooler with a couple beers in it and I brought my floaty noodle so all was right with the world.

The water was gorgeous: clear, clean, salty-to-taste, with rolling waves just right for chicken me. I was in about ten minutes when - lo and behold - Bill joined me!? Yahoo.

He said there was, "...just the amount of seaweed I can tolerate. Zero." lol. I couldn't agree more. I love salt water but the Atlantic has too much 'stuff' floating in it for my taste. I'm definitely a Gulf-side girl.

And when a handsome young man went past us holding his lovely lady in his arms Bill asked, "What kind of bait did you use to catch HER??"

We stayed better than two hours which I consider a coup of sorts.

I think the FO surprised himself, enjoying the experience as much as he did. I KNOW I was happy to share it with him!



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  2. The FO had a little less AJ time than he needed, 3 beers which was exactly what he needed, and a little more sun than he actually needed. On average, PERFECT!!
