Friday, April 10, 2009

How Dry I Am

Some of you have been wondering where I have been lo these many days without a post.
Wish I could say I've been away 'on location' or super busy or tied up with official affairs of state but none of those reasons are even close.

I just didn't feel funny. Or clever. Or any of the other things that tend to make a blog entry readable.

But I think I'm coming back!

Just had a little blip on the Perk-O-Meter is all??

That's fair; I AM The Widow Judy and have a right to be pathetically out of sorts on occassion, don't I?

Tom's been gone for 10 weeks now and it's starting to sink in that he's really NOT coming back. I will admit outright that just sucks.

I so much loved having him available to play with and be my better half. Alone, I'm just not sure I'm the same person as when we were as a couple. That's where I was last week, bathing in self-doubt.

Missing him. Missing ME being with him. Missing our couplehood.

But I find that, now, I can say that and not burst into tears; that would seem to be progress in separating myself from him and our life together, would it not? A step in the right direction, I think.

TWJ has to stand on her own two feet and not shrink at the thought of being alone.


OY! The drama. What a Sarah I am!! Even I have to laugh at me.

And that's a good thing, right?


  1. Let me be the 1st to welcome you back AJ. You were missed. See you soon.

  2. He always beats me at everything....LOL, but that's OK... I'm glad to see you blogging again as well.
