Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'll Have Nothing and Like It

My sister Toot mentioned today she found a coin in her 'jool' box, one my grandmother gave her a gazillion years ago. It' s a British coin with a crown on it so she's assuming that's what it is - a crown. The word "sterling" is stamped on it too so I'm thinking she's probably correct.

One British crown, sterling.

That's it.

From generations upon generations of Davidges that's what we got, one crown in the possession of - not me - but my sister?!

"Inheritance" is our equivalent of the F-word.

My father was, by all standards, a fairly wealthy man. He worked hard, always, and earned every penny he had. After my mother died he met and married The Terror, Mary.
She was a greedy, selfish, social climbing bi..., uh, woman but she gave good h..., uh, lovin' where Dad was concerned and that was apparently enough for him to forgive her anything.

When Dad died we all got a copy of his will which left everything to Mary; upon her demise, whatever remained of his estate was to be divided amongst his childen and Mary's two nieces.

Never happened.

I hear all the time about people who - pardon my French - inherit all kinds of great stuff but me and mine? Nuttin', Honey.

It would be SO GREAT to have an unbeknownst aunt, uncle, cousin looking for a Davidge to bestow largesse unto???! I would very much like to be rich, rich, rich. Then I could truly become the Lady Bountiful I was meant to be!

Doesn't look like that's going to be my lot in this life. Good thing I was lucky in love!!?

If I had to pick one or the other the choice would be hard (oh, very YES!) but love WOULD win out.

Good thing, huh?

I've always wondered why the Lord didn't make me rich. He has to know that, had I money, what I'd do is give it all away?! That's what I do (and have always done) even with the little bits of dough I've ever had!!!!

Think what I could do with a fortune.... Davidges everywhere would be cruising, getting advanced degrees, taking their children on holiday, learning to paint and act and sing, sitting in box seats at sporting events, supporting the needy in their various towns and villages.

You always hear people saying it's a mixed blessing to have money. I spit on this concept. Given the chance I would single-handedly disprove that fallacy, trust me.

Anybody want to take me up on that??


  1. I wish I could. I didn't realize the part about after Mary's demise it being spread out? If that's the case why didn't anyone challenge anything after Mary died. Her nieces shouldn't have gotten everything?? Seriously.
