Friday, April 17, 2009

The Live-It Begins

I'm re-thinking my diet.

As of today it mostly consists of Lays potato chips, Coca Cola, butter, iced tea, red meat, and candy. It's been this way since Tom died and it's about time I stopped comfort-fooding my OWN self to death.

Meat is a must. I especially like meat on a bone: lamb chops, pork chops, Porterhouse steaks, rib eyes.... All of the aforementioned have a certain amount of fat naturally included in the cut and that I love too. However, I can do without the fat and will trim the meat I'm eating from here on out.

I get mean if I don't eat meat every day.

So meat stays but I'll try to make it leaner than it has been lately.

I'm addicted to regular Coca Cola. I hate admitting that but it's true. I'm afraid I do have an addictive personality; I'm not proud of that. Anything I like I do to death! The difference between me and my mother is that my addictions don't make me a sloppy drunk they just make me chubby! But the truth is that, if I started to like drinking, it would take me no time at all to be an alcoholic; I have religiously avoided that happening thus far and my plan is to continue on that track.

My daily intake of Coke is probably right around 48 ounces daily. That's absurd. I can do better, I think. Starting tomorrow (always the best day to start anything??)I'll allow myself 24 ounces and see if I can stick to that. Two cans a day? That seems fair. And do-able.

I can have all the plain iced tea I want. And ice water - I do like that, I just never think to drink it. That's what I'll order when I'm in a restaurant. I'll save the Coca Cola just for when I'm home.

That'll work.

The easiest thing to cut out is candy and desserts. Those are gone, no problem.

I'm thinking maybe three months of watching what I eat and counting calories should let me lose at least twenty pounds. I weigh about 175 now so by mid-Julyish I should be close to 155. That would be good. It's a reasonable goal.

Anybody want to join me in TWJ Diet? We could buoy each other up! You can pick your own number of calories, it doesn't have to be the same as mine, and you can eat whatever floats YOUR boat. Let me know if you want in on the fun from now till July 18. There's no prize or anything - we'll just see if we look and feel better three months from today. If we do then that'll make us ALL winners!

I find it's very helpful if, while you're counting calories, you chronicle whatever you're eating that day. It's amazing how many 'forgotten' calories slip by your lips if you don't. And EVERYTHING has to be counted!! No fudging.

Butter has to stay but I could use it more sparingly; that'll be my goal.

Potato chips are my downfall. I love regular Lays and Wavy Lays. I do know how many make 100 calories so I'll try to limit my intake to no more than that amount in a day.

Speaking of calories, I have to decide how many I shall consume. 800 is too few, 1500is too many so... I'll settle on 1000-1100. If you go over your chosen number, recognize that fact but don't beat yourself up over it; just start again to reach the proscribed number the next day.

What I generally do when I diet is eat whatever I want but make the portions as small as I need to stay within the daily calorie count. I really love counting calories because I think of them as 'money' and 'spend' them as I will till I've reached my limit.

I suppose I should make some sort of disclaimer stating that TWJ Diet is not sanctioned by any doctor and everyone who wants to play along is totally responsible for themselves and the choices they make. Be reasonable!! Pick a number of calories that allows you some flexibility and is lower than the number you're stuffing your face with today. Try to hit all the food groups daily. Take a vitamin too just so all your bases are covered.

Let me know if you're "in". And good luck to all of us.


  1. Good luck AJ, but for me I'm still a good month away from the diet mindset. Perhaps I'll spot you 1 month, see your 20lbs, and raise you 10lbs more by July 18? Because I know you love to be challenged.

  2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE accept the above mentioned challenge!!

  3. Ok, people get mad at me for this, but I have put on about 7 pounds. Maybe 8. If I go over 140 I start to be very unhappy with myself. I'm at 145. I haven't been at 145 since before I had Daniel. (except while pregnant obviously) This must change. I want to be leaner and more toned. I will be back to 138 by July 18. I will try to stop stuffing my face with chocolate and get more active. The weather is already allowing that! Good luck and drink WATER!

  4. I'm in for the drinking more water! That is one thing I know I need to do more of...but somehow I struggle with doing it. Not sure why.

  5. Because wine tastes so much better Beckie!! LOL
