Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Beck and Call Girl

Switched from Comcast to Verizon FIOS today and - oy - such a deal!

If I stayed up for three days (like I did when I got cable for the first time in the '80's) I still wouldn't have enough time to try all the channels I now have on my TV.

Correction: my SIX TV's!?

Yup. TV's very important in The Widow Judy's household.

Still, I'm sure poor Tom is not resting quietly at this moment knowing we didn't get the baseball package too and won't, therefore, be having the opportunity to see twelve different baseball games daily this season as we did when he was alive. If the Tigers stumble I still may have to sign up for it knowing Tom would want me to even if we never actually turn a game ON.

It's the principle, see?

The installer, Ryan, was here from 8:15 'till just about 12:00 hooking us up, literally. He was very professional and explained all the particulars but his explication fell on deaf ears; while he pushed button after button showing me all the tricks I tuned out knowing I would never remember a darn thing he said.

I have to do it myself if I'm going to learn the ins and outs. I know this is shocking but I plan to read the instructions.

Fancy THAT!

Apparently, if a channel is showing a movie there's a way to play it any time YOU'RE ready regardless of the scheduled showtime!? Sounds like the work of the devil, doesn't it?

If I'm reading correctly, I have 1951 channels not counting the On Demand options.

See what I mean about staying up ad nauseum???

I have figured out how to DVR the shows I want but, so far, I am in the dark how to interrupt the DVRing and start a show over from the beginning. I'm putting that on tomorrow's learning agenda.

For tonight, I'm happy to click and flip and just generally revel in the glory that is having 2000+ channels at my beck and call.

Decadence, thy name is Verizon FIOS!

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