Monday, May 18, 2009

CA Bound!

Did I mention Aunt Katie's in town? She's actually Tom's aunt and I can only claim her by marriage but Tom's family having been MY family for so long - what the heck - she's mine now too.

She was long-married to Uncle Donald who treated her like the princess she was probably meant to be. (I bet, when she was a child, she was "The Pretty One"!!)
I'm not actually certain what her age is but it's in the 80's somewhere and she is still a real looker. She has the most beautiful gray hair - the kind that's three-dimensional with the lightest shade an ash that's to die for. Ethereal, but not in an other-wordly sense, just highly-refined-and-delicate.

And bright?? I'd hate to get in a "fact-off" with her because I'm sure she'd show me up pretty substantially.

We'll avoid that, please!

She's making a HUGH life change and Sarasota is simply a pit stop on her way from MI to San Luis Obispo, CA.

Her second marriage was well-intentioned and supported by the family but (and you know there's always that BIG BUT!?) it didn't work out and, having divested, Katie has decided to move herself and her belongings across country. She will be spending some appreciable face time with her son and his still-young family.

Great idea!

NOTHING keeps a person lively like being with young people!! And if they're your very own grands AND they live in paradise-west AND your son married a veritable saint - well - it's all good.

There will be games galore to enjoy with the boys, all their school functions to participate in, their future loves to be seen. Her son Bill is a laugh riot and will keep her on her toes poking fun at her and at everyone else too, even himself.

She's going to a great family and while those of us on THIS side of the Mississippi will miss seeing her we will enjoy hearing about all her escapades.

Yup. I believe she still has "escapades" in her future.

She's a sassy, beautiful, intelligent lady with a lot of fun potential.

It gives me hope.

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