Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Polar Bear

My daughter Beckie and the boys gave Daddy Dan a puppy for his birthday a couple weeks ago. A "Coton de Tulear" which is to say, a French ball of white fluff!

Pictures do neither the pup nor the adoring family justice. If every CHILD born was greeted with such loving looks and tender touches the world would be a better place indeed.

The kids had a rescue dog, a beagle named Regal, before the children came. She was a pistol! And STINK??! Yoicks. No matter how often that dog was bathed she always had a stench about her that couldn't be ignored.

Tom and I would babysit the Regal Beagle whenever the kids went travelling - before the boys were born that happened quite a lot. It was always a challenge and while we loved the dog we were never enamoured of her untoward habits.

The only way the dog would eat involved me having to sit on the floor beside her dish and chat her up while she nibbled on kibble. Seriously.

And no matter how we shored up our fencing in the backyard on Bishop in Detroit that damn dog would dig and wiggle and wriggle till she found her way out. That would necessitate us going up one street and down another too many times to count until we'd spot her and lure her into the car with extravagent treats.

She thought she was a lap dog; that was her saving grace.

(Except for the heady odor which transferred to everything she laid upon!)

The new puppy won't be home in Berkley for another few weeks. I imagine he'll have a cute little house out-of-doors but mostly, for his own sake, he'll be inside and be walked as necessity dictates. Lord knows how that will work? There better be a schedule allowing equal access to Polar or many noses will be quickly out of joint!!

It's a hypo-allergenic breed so asthmatic relatives should be safe.

It says in fine print...!?

I wish them luck. A puppy's work is never done and neither is its owner's. With all that goes on at Beckie's I'd like to be a fly on the wall observing the manner in which everyone melds the dog to their schedule.

It ought to be a circus.

Luckily, the Radomskis all LOVE a good circus.

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