Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Hairless Wonder

Let's talk about hair.

Or, rather, the LACK of hair because I don't have any!

It's true. Some medication I took for asthma caused my own never-any-good-anyway hair to thin to the point of showing scalp so I did the best thing I could and shaved it all off, period!

It was very freeing.

I wear wigs every day and have for at least 15 years.

Living in sunny Florida it's perfect! I can be in and out of the pool or the Gulf of Mexico as often as I like and not have to worry about having to do my hair multiple times a day.

It took me about 20 minutes to wash-dry-curl-fluff myself before I started wearing wigs and now it takes me, literally, four seconds to go from "no doo" to "all done"!!

Figure that's 20 minutes a day I've saved for 15 years. In total: 35,070 minutes/2,972 hours/ 123 days I've had to do something more (or less!) productive with my life since I became hairless.


Foolishly, I wasted way too much money buying real hair wigs when I first shaved my head. It didn't take long before I figured out that was silly. Whether the wigs are real or microfiber they all get old and have to be replaced about every 3-5 months.

I found cheap wigs from the Asian or African-American beauty supply stores did everything I needed them to do and did it for $25.00-$30.00 a pop!

It's challenging to find blond or frosted blond wigs at these establishments but it can be done; I'm living proof.

When I find a style and color I like I try to buy it in bulk. At about $23.00 per wig it's entirely do-able.

It drives my daughters batty that almost every day since wig-wearing became a way of life for me someone on the street, in a shop, or at the market compliments my hair and asks where I get it cut/done! It's a running joke with us. I try to just say, "Thank you," but almost always cop to the fact it's a wig and if they like it so much they can have it for themselves for $23.00 at Lee Hair and Nails!!

Sure, if I had a choice I'd like to have a full head of my own lustrous hair but that option's off the table. Wigs are an excellent second-best.

The trick is to find ones that require very little brushing - those are the ones that last and look good the longest. I simply shake mine vigorously then plop it on my head, use my fingers to arrange it and I'm good-to-go.

It works!

Try it, you'll like it.

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