Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow...

It's summer in sunny Florida!

This is the fifth consecutive day that clouds have rolled in about 2:00 and brought afternoon rain.

I love that!

You get to see sunshine through the whole morning but the afternoons can bring almost any kind of thunderstorm you've ever experienced, from just a kiss of rain to violent incursions.

The general pattern sees the clouds and rain moving out by dinnertime which means the sun comes out again before sunset in paradise.

Did I mention summer lasts for five or six months?? Well... it does.

Today I was at Alta Vista picking up Quincy, my Little Brother, when the deluge started. We were soaked to the bone just sprinting from the covered walkway to my car 50 yards away!! My wig was so soaked I had to whip it off my head and shake it out in the front seat. This cracked Quincy up, of course; he's 9.

We went a mile down the road to get my Little Sister Dalecia from home after Tuttle elementary got out. She's also 9 but a grade ahead of Q. She had time to change her clothes and pat her cornrow braids dry, the lucky!

Q and I looked like drowned rats!!

It was still raining ferociously when we pulled out of her driveway. The roads - especially the intersections - were completely flooded. Cars were stalling going through water half-door deep.

We modified our playdate plan and went straight to dinner at Olive Garden. It was the better part of valor....

We had a lovely meal, laughed, had lots of conversation, many stories were told, plans were made for excursions over summer vacation - we even tried the new dessert: sugared doughnuts!

When we got outside you would never have even known it rained - well - unless you touched Q's or my shirt!? WE were still soggy but the roads were now dry, the clouds had disappeared and the sun was out.

Amazing phenomenon!

It was 6PM and all was right with paradise once more.

Until TOMORROW afternoon...?

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