Thursday, May 21, 2009

Justice For All!!

I am a mess!

In the last three days I have done nothing but bump into things and, as a result, I'm covered in purple marks that pool blood under my skin.


There's enough indignity in just getting older without adding injury to insult.

Both hands, both arms and my left leg all pay moot tribute to klutziness and age.

Even when I think I'm being careful I'm really not, apparently.

I know there are meds people take that intensify this happening (I'm not taking any of those though so I have to think heredity plays a part in this phenomenon too.) but are there meds that can STOP it??

Wishful thinking, I'm sure.

Just as I wishfully think of having a waist again, or luxurious hair, or TOM here beside me!?

Or... a bucket of money! So I can go to Europe and hang for a couple months - ok - now I AM dreaming!!

C'est la vie. That's life and there you have it. You take the good with the bad.

On the positive side I'm relatively healthy, relatively sharp, relatively active, and loved a lot so on balance there's no question life Is good.

But damn these marks. I'm not Cain!!!! I'm just The Widow Judy trying to get along in the world.

Where's the justice?

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