Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Shark

Today I did something I haven't done since I was a teenager. I washed the kitchen floor.

LOL. Not a very exciting beginning for the blog, is it? Sorry 'bout that!?

Tom asked for that duty when we were first married and who was I to deny him that particular pleasure!??

Since he died, the floor has only been entirely washed one time and my brother-in-law magnanimously did that for us while we were in Michigan farewelling Tom.

That brings me back to today.

It was a bi@#*!! I'm too old to be sitting on my butt scrubbing one tile after another. And you KNOW what'll happen - they'll just get dirty again??

Plus, being as obsessive-compulsive as I am, I couldn't just scrub the tiles I also felt the need, being at that level, to wash all the lower cabinets AND rearrange the interiors of those that have gotten out of control.

I wasn't having ANY fun but I, of course, couldn't stop once I'd begun... that would be heresy! The Widow Judy does not comprehend anything other than a job well done?! I'm a 100 per-center in all things.

I got about 2/3 of the way through the kitchen and that commercial for The Shark came into my head. I need that!! I have tile in the kitchen, the foyer, the laundry room, and two bathrooms - I'm the person The Shark was meant for!!!

So I headed to Bed Bath and Beyond just as soon as I finished and got dressed for the day.

$99.00. Seemed like a bargain if only to save my knees and hips!

Science is wonderful. The Shark is mine all mine!! You'll be able to eat off my floors from now on.

But please don't....

1 comment:

  1. Ok I must bring something up. I CLEARLY remember as a child, being at your house in SCS, and you were on your hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. I remember because you were quite upset, I don't know about what I was a KID, but I remember you threatening the cats lives if they walked into the kichen while you were in the midst of scrubbing, and making some comment about 9 lives. lol. why I remember that, I do not know, but I know it to be true. Nevertheless, I'm proud of your shark accomplishment.
