Friday, May 1, 2009

Making Lemonade

My nephew Lee is quite a guy. His maternal grandmother, my sister Toot, has thought of him as extra special since the day he was born. I know this because she calls him "the messiah" and always has.

It's lower case so... no blasphemy intended.

Kind of like, "our father who art in heaven" referencing our own dad? She coined that phrase too.

Lee is the only kid I know who takes a "no" answer and still runs with it!?

Such was the case when he got to UMaine's Orono campus four years ago. He played baseball in high school very successfully so he tried out for UMaine's team at college.

Didn't make it.

Most kids would just slink away with their tails between their legs but not Lee. He showed up at the coach's office early the following morning asking what he needed to work on so he'd have a better shot the next year. Coach told him to "hit the weight room" but saw something special in a kid who didn't resent being cut AND who obviously loved the sport. He was offered the job of Team Manager.

He took it.

And he ran with it.

He did everything asked of him and lots LOTS more.

Coach noticed.

When Lee tried out in his sophomore year he was cut again!? This time he was named a student assistant coach. That meant he got to travel with the team!! True to form, Lee made a name for himself working hard with and for the kids AND the other coaches as well.

Now Lee's the first base coach so he's authentically involved in every game. His plan is to stay at Orono when he graduates next winter going straight on to graduate school and continuing to work with the baseball team.

His eventual plan is to become a professional college or major league baseball coach; from the praise heaped on him from the staff he's working with at UMaine, that seems very do-able.

He was thrown a curve not making the team as a player but he persevered. I call that Making Lemonade!

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